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The purpose of getfastcredit.com?
Getfastcredit.com is a national resource designed to facilitate automobile credit approval. Getfastcredit provides a fast, secure means for you to submit a credit application to a dealership of your choice. It is a free service, designed to give its customers the very best in online security and flexibility.
Who can use getfastcredit.com?
Anyone that is currently in the market for an automobile, and looking for a fast, secure credit screening process may use getfastcredit.com for free.
How long will it take?
The getfastcredit application is streamlined to limit the amount of time you have to spend online. Only the contact information, social security number, and date of birth fields are required. Filling out the application takes an average of 4-5 minutes to complete.
How will I be contacted?
You can use the 'Additional Comments' area on the application to recommend how you are best contacted/best contact times, etc. Once the application has been reviewed, most dealerships prefer to contact you by phone to set up your appointment at the dealership.
How your dealership can utilize getfastcredit
If you're a dealership and would like your prospective customers to utilize getfastcredit, please contact us at: info@getfastcredit.com